Filter Media Replacement Pack for Canada and International (non-U.S.) Orders
Filter Media Replacement Pack for Canada and International (non-U.S.) Orders
Filter Media Replacement Pack for Canada and International (non-U.S.) Orders
Filter Media Replacement Pack for Canada and International (non-U.S.) Orders

Filter Media Replacement Pack for Canada and International (non-U.S.) Orders

Regular price $67.79
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Filter media replacement pack contains 2.2 pounds (one kilogram / 35.2 ounces) of a proprietary blend of activated carbon, zeolite, catechin, and negative ion ceramic balls, plus a "tackified" filter pad to capture kicked up litter dust and pet dander. 

Will last for 4-7 months depending on conditions in your home. Let your nose be your guide when it comes time to replace.

Our Purrified Air replacement filter media packs come in a sealed vacuum bag for long-term storage.

We borrowed the takifide technology from the furnace filter industry. Furnace filters with an application of a tacky coating capture more dust, dander and other particulates in your home.

We know our filter media refills are not cheap. Here is a way to get double the value out of them. Turns out the primary ingredients of our filter media packs -- activated carbon and zeolite --  are excellent soil enhancers for plants. Both absorb excess water and slowly releases it as the plant requires, preventing root rot. Zeolite takes the ammonia in cat urine and turns it into nitrogen-based plant food. Activated carbon rids soil of impurities, repels insects, and prevents mold and odors. To apply, cut open used media packs, and mix into soil at a rate of about one part filter media to 10-20 parts soil. That’s roughly one cup per medium size flower pot or two cups per cubic foot of soil in the garden.

At a Glance: Product Costs and Special Shipping Rates to Canada and the rest of the world for Items up to 4 Pounds. Prices shown in U.S. Dollars.


  Shipping to Canada Shipping Other Int'l. Product Price Product and shipping Canada Product and Shipping other Int'l.
Purifier $28.00 $37.00 $169.99 $199.99 $37.00
Media Pack $20.00 $28.00 $47.99 $67.99 $75.99
Wall Bracket $10.00 $17.00 $37.99 $44.99 $51.99
Overhead Bracket $10.00 $13.00 $28.99 $38.99 $35.99
Media Pack & Wall Bracket $30.00 $37.00 $85.98 $115.98 $122.98
Media Pack & Overhead Mount Bracket $30.00 $37.00 $76.98 $106.98 $113.98




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