What one customer did with four Purrified Air pet odor air filters
What one customer did with four Purrified Air pet odor air filters?
Our incredible customer, Lisa Miller, describes and shows how she uses her four Purrified Air filters in a household of multiple cats and ferrets.
"In the cat room and the ferret room, I had tried two other filters, and they didn't seem to make much of an impact. In my bathroom where the ferrets go, the overhead vents seemed to do okay; however, running them 24/7 isn't energy-efficient, and I worried about issues with the vent. I first added the Purrified Air filter in the cat room.
"It did seem to make some impact, and I decided to purchase three more with discounts. Two of the extra air filters are in the master room and bathroom for the ferrets. My cats and ferrets have their places on the top level of my two-story home. Before the filters, I could slightly smell the animals on the lower (main level). However, I think with the three Purrified Air filters, it's doing a good job to control the odors.
"The fourth Purrified Air filter I purchased for use in our RV. Since we live in MN, our RV parked for the winter. However, I did take a photo of the cage we have in the RV for the ferrets and where I plan to use it when we go on our trips this summer. I had another air purifier that I had used and didn't bring any more because I didn't feel it made much of an impact. So I'm looking forward to using the Purrified Air filter in our RV. The back of our RV is where we have bunks for the kids and the cage for the ferrets."
Thank you very much, Lisa, for this exceptional report.
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